How to launch a Faceless account on TikTok in 2024?

July 27, 2024




Creating a TikTok account without showing your face in 2024 can be an excellent idea if you want to maintain your anonymity while building an influential and lucrative online presence. Here's a detailed guide to launch and monetize your faceless account on TikTok.

1. Choose a profitable niche

The first crucial step is to choose a niche that not only excites you but also offers strong monetization potential.

The goal is to choose a niche where videos are simple to create and the audience has a significant budget. The advantage of targeting a niche with a substantial budget is that the RPM (revenue per thousand views) will be high and partnerships will be interesting.

tiktok revenue dashboard us

Some tips: Don't try to revolutionize a niche, take what works, modify a few elements, and publish. Use TikTok search on your phone to see which videos have been trending in the last 3 months. And one last tip: Search for your niche name in English or another language to see what works in other countries!

Here are some popular ideas with monetization suggestions:

  • KPOP

    • Who is this singer? What's the name of this group?
    • Niche advantage: Underexploited niche with high demand
    • Difficulty: Easy
  • Stars / Actors

    • Harry Potter actors name quiz, Cannes 2024 stars quiz
  • Luxury watches

    • Guess the logo, TOP 10 most expensive watches in the world, story of a lost watch
    • Niche advantage: Audience with substantial budget
  • Cars

    • Guess the logo, how much does this car cost, history of a brand
    • Niche advantage: Audience with substantial budget
  • Cooking and Recipes:

    • Film your hands cooking or show the steps of preparing dishes.
    • Monetization: Partnerships with kitchenware brands, promotions of specific ingredients, creation of an electronic recipe book.
    • Difficulty: Hard
  • Personal Finance and Investment:

    • Create explanatory animations about financial concepts or investment strategies.

    • Monetization: Online financial coaching, affiliations with investment platforms, creation of financial management courses.

    • Difficulty: Intermediate

    • Niche advantage: Audience with substantial budget

    • Example account: income.grants

      income grants

  • DIY and Crafts:

    • Show your handmade creations, such as drawing, sewing, or jewelry making.
    • Monetization: Selling your creations on Etsy, online courses on craft techniques, affiliation with material suppliers.
    • Difficulty: Hard
  • Products, Technology, and Gadgets

    • Present unboxings and product reviews without showing your face.

    • Monetization: Affiliations with electronics sites, brand sponsorships, creation of sponsored content

    • Difficulty: Intermediate

    • Example account:

  • Wellness and Personal Development:

    • Share meditation, productivity, or personal growth tips with animated visuals.
    • Monetization: Selling personal development guides, partnerships with wellness apps, online coaching
    • Difficulty: Hard

2. Choose the right video format (the most important)

Choosing the format is the most important. A saturated niche can be accessible through an innovative video format. And an underexploited niche can be easily accessible with a more classic format.

3. Account Creation

Important: We recommend creating an account on your phone and "warming up" the account before any publication. How to warm up a TikTok account? Simply watch several videos on the main feed, like interesting TikToks, and subscribe to a few accounts.

Creating an account on a computer and not warming up the account will result in an almost automatic shadowban. And last point: A professional and attractive profile is essential to attract subscribers and monetization opportunities:

  • Username: Choose an impactful name, related to your niche, and easy to pronounce to facilitate word-of-mouth. Example: Megaquiz, Antoine Cuisine, Arthur Histoire, etc.
  • Bio: Write a concise bio that clearly describes the content you're going to offer, e.g., "Quiz Enthusiast"
  • Profile picture: Use an image representative of your niche, like a professional logo or an attractive icon. You can also use an avatar, which you can create via ChatGPT + DALL-E 3 or Midjourney.
  • Link in Bio: Don't add a link to your bio before reaching 20 or 30k subscribers. And only add a very high-quality link

4. Essential tools and resources

Invest in these tools to professionalize your content and optimize your workflow:

google gemini

5. Master TikTok to maximize engagement

Fully exploit TikTok's features to increase your visibility and engagement:

  • Hashtags:
    • Do thorough research on trending hashtags in your niche
    • Create a mix of popular and niche hashtags to maximize your reach.
  • Sounds and music:
    • Use trending musical sounds
  • Effects and Filters:
    • Add dynamic effects and transitions
  • TikTok long format / playlists
    • Use the latest TikTok features to favor promotion by the TikTok algorithm

6. Monetization

Below, you'll find monetization options to maximize your revenue.

  • TikTok Creator Fund:
    • Once you reach 10,000 subscribers, sign up for the creator fund: Between 0.5 and 1.7 euros / thousand views in France
  • Brand partnerships:
    • Contact brands in your niche and propose partnerships
    • Include your email in your bio so brands can contact you
  • Affiliation:
    • Use a service like and add products. Then save the link in your bio
  • Sale of digital products:
    • Create premium digital products like in-depth online courses, ebooks, or exclusive templates.
  • Coaching or Consultation Services:
    • Offer individual or group coaching sessions related to your expertise.
    • Use TikTok to demonstrate your expertise and attract potential clients.
  • Merchandising:
    • Create unique merchandise related to your TikTok brand (t-shirts, mugs, accessories).
    • Tip: use print-on-demand services to minimize financial risks

tiktok logo

7. Growth and Optimization Strategies

To develop your account and maximize your revenue, follow these advanced tips:

  • In-depth Performance Analysis:
    • Use third-party analytics tools in addition to TikTok analytics to get more detailed insights.
    • Conduct A/B tests on different types of content, publication times, and video styles.
  • Strategic Collaboration:
    • Identify complementary creators in your niche for mutually beneficial collaborations.
    • Participate in engagement "pods" to boost your initial interactions.
  • Platform Diversification:
    • Adapt your TikTok content for other platforms like Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts.
    • Create a coherent presence across multiple platforms to maximize your reach and monetization opportunities.
  • Automation and Planning:
    • Use scheduling tools like Later or Hootsuite to maintain a consistent presence.
    • Automate certain tasks like engagement or analytics tracking to focus on content creation.

By following these advanced strategies, you can not only launch and develop a faceless TikTok account in 2024, but also transform it into a real source of income.

The key to success lies in consistently creating high-quality content, authentic engagement with your audience, and continuous adaptation to platform trends. With perseverance and creativity, your faceless TikTok account can become a thriving online business.
