Generate faceless videos using AI in just seconds

Quiz v2 Japan
Quiz Lang v1 ES -> FR
Quiz v1 Template KPOP
Quiz v1 Dune
Quiz v3 Manga
Quiz v1 Manga v1
Quiz v1 One Piece
Quiz v1 Pinguin
Quiz v2 Japan
Quiz Lang v1 ES -> FR
Quiz v1 Template KPOP
Quiz v1 Dune
Quiz v3 Manga
Quiz v1 Manga v1
Quiz v1 One Piece
Quiz v1 Pinguin
Quiz v2 Japan
Quiz Lang v1 ES -> FR
Quiz v1 Template KPOP
Quiz v1 Dune
Quiz v3 Manga
Quiz v1 Manga v1
Quiz v1 One Piece
Quiz v1 Pinguin
Quiz v2 Japan
Quiz Lang v1 ES -> FR
Quiz v1 Template KPOP
Quiz v1 Dune
Quiz v3 Manga
Quiz v1 Manga v1
Quiz v1 One Piece
Quiz v1 Pinguin

Infinite customization

As well as being able to use your own sources, Auto Stud has a library of over 2000 videos. Our system is connected to the latest AI on the market. Via Auto Stud, you have access to millions of unique and professional video potentials.

Customize your video

Customize all parts of your video. Auto Stud is compatible with all the latest technologies.

auto stud dashboard

Monetization-compatible content

Generate content from 20 to 300 seconds. Adapted to all niches and available in over 50 languages.



Compatible with 50 languages


Video from 20 to 300 seconds.


Dozens of templates are available.

Pricing plans

Flexible plans and features

All the lorem ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.

Monthly videos
20Monthly videos
50Monthly videos
140Monthly videos
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No watermark
No watermark
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Edit / Preview Videos
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Landscape Videos
Landscape Videos
Landscape Videos
Landscape Videos
Full HD download
Full HD download
Full HD download
Full HD download
24/7 Live chat support
24/7 Live chat support
24/7 Live chat support
24/7 Live chat support
Background music
Background music
Background music
Background music
Ben Quiz
A few minutes a day enabled me to create an account that today has 20,000 subscribers. I'm monetized on Facebook and Youtube. 100% Auto Stud.

Get started for free today

Generate a video and explore all the possibilities for free by activating the free trial.